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Omnissa Horizon 2412 – Rebranding!

On January 28th, 2025, Omnissa released Horizon 2412. New 2412 versions were already released in the past for App Volumes, ThinApp, Dynamic Environment Manager, and Workspace One Access, but now they also released the latest version for Horizon. Please carefully plan this upgrade before you start upgrading your existing environment. Some significant rebranding changes could seriously impact your existing environment. The first thing to note is that this version is… Read More »Omnissa Horizon 2412 – Rebranding!

Server’s certificate is not trusted

Also known as: “Certificate revocation check failed” A while ago I had an issue with a Horizon customer, where I got an error on the Horizon dashboard saying “The server’s certificate is not trusted”. The error message appeared for all connection servers we had. This was very strange, as we hadn’t changed any certificate-related things and I was pretty sure that the certificate was not expired either. Clicking on the… Read More »Server’s certificate is not trusted

“vExpert EUC” becomes “End-User Compute Community”

It’s the end of the year, and this typically means reapplying for the VMware vExpert program for a lot of my fellow vExperts. For those who don’t know the vExpert program yet, you can find all the information about this wonderful community program at the vExpert Application Portal. The vExpert program also has sub-programs for specific fields within the VMware portfolio. There are sub-programs for SDDC, Application Modernization, Multi-Cloud, Security,… Read More »“vExpert EUC” becomes “End-User Compute Community”

Horizon View Blast Secure Gateway service paused

Also known as: “Problems renewing the Horizon Connection server certificate” When renewing the Certificate used for the Horizon Connection server, it’s important that you use the correct settings. If not, the Horizon Connection server service will be running, but you won’t be able to access the Horizon Admin Console or even be able to logon to Horizon. After renewing the Horizon Connection server certificate you need to restart the Horizon… Read More »Horizon View Blast Secure Gateway service paused

VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor) – Part 5: TrueSSO Setup

This is part of a series of post for setting up VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD. Part 1: Setup sub-CA(s) Part 2: Certificate Template Part 3: Enrollment Servers Part 4: SAML Setup Part 5: True SSO Setup TrueSSO setup We are almost there! So far we have created our sub-CAs, setup certificate templates, installed the enrollment server and configured the SAML authentication. At this point, Connecting to the UAG will… Read More »VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor) – Part 5: TrueSSO Setup

VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor) – Part 4: SAML Setup

This is part of a series of post for setting up VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD. Part 1: Setup sub-CA(s) Part 2: Certificate Template Part 3: Enrollment Servers Part 4: SAML Setup Part 5: True SSO Setup SAML setup In the next part, we will set up the SAML authentication. This consists of 3 steps: First, we need to create the SAML application on Azure, then we will configure the… Read More »VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor) – Part 4: SAML Setup

VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor) – Part 3: Enrollment Servers

This is part of a series of post for setting up VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD. Part 1: Setup sub-CA(s) Part 2: Certificate Template Part 3: Enrollment Servers Part 4: SAML Setup Part 5: True SSO Setup Enrollment server(s) Repeat all steps in this part on both enrollment/sub-CA servers! On the enrollment/sub-CA server, open the local machine certificate manager: Right-click the Personal node, choose All Tasks > Request New Certificate… Read More »VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor) – Part 3: Enrollment Servers

VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor) – Part 2: Certification Template

This is part of a series of post for setting up VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD. Part 1: Setup sub-CA(s) Part 2: Certificate Template Part 3: Enrollment Servers Part 4: SAML Setup Part 5: True SSO Setup Certification Template The way TrueSSO works is it is using a certificate issued for the user after a successful SAML authentication and authenticates against AD using a smartcard type logon with that certificate.… Read More »VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor) – Part 2: Certification Template

VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor) – Part 1: Setup sub-CA(s)

This is part of a series of post for setting up VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD. Part 1: Setup sub-CA(s) Part 2: Certificate Template Part 3: Enrollment Servers Part 4: SAML Setup Part 5: True SSO Setup Sub-CA(s) First, we are going to set up a subordinate certification authority on our 2 servers. I’m using Windows server 2022, but 2019 or 2016 also works fine. By using a sub-CA, all… Read More »VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor) – Part 1: Setup sub-CA(s)

VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor)

Securing external connections to your VMware Horizon environment is not always easy. However, you might already have all the tools necessary to allow external users to access your VMware Horizon environment in a secure way, by which I mean, using multi-factor authentication. If you have: A VMware Horizon environment using Unified Access Gateway for external access A MS 365 or Office 365 subscription AzureAD synced with on-premises AD MFA set… Read More »VMware Horizon authentication using AzureAD (with multifactor)