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VMware Horizon

VMware Horizon/AppVolumes LB with HAProxy and Keepalived on PhotonOS

At the time of writing, VMware Horizon provides a built-in “Load-Balancer/High-Availability” option only for the Unified Access Gateway. Unfortunately if you want your Horizon Connection servers or your AppVolumes managers to be “Load-Balanced/High-Available” you have to rely on other VMware or 3rd party solutions. For my homelab I wanted to have the same experience of having “Load-Balanced/High-Available” for my connection servers and appvolume managers, so I could get hands-on experience… Read More »VMware Horizon/AppVolumes LB with HAProxy and Keepalived on PhotonOS

My first VMware homelab

Some of you might be surprised by the title of this blog post, but yes, this is a post about my first real VMware homelab I set up during the final days of the soon-to-forget year of 2020. So how can an experienced VMware engineer get all his experience if he doesn’t even have a homelab to play with? Well, in the past years, I’ve always had a test environment… Read More »My first VMware homelab

VMware Horizon with FSLogix and storage optimization

A few months ago I’ve setup a new VMware Horizon desktop pool, based on Windows server 2019. Our previous desktop pool was based on Windows server 2018 R2 and used Persona as user profile solution. As Persona is deprecated and unusable on Windows 10 based operating systems) we had to look for another solution. Just at that time I found out about FSLogix, a solution that Microsoft acquired in late… Read More »VMware Horizon with FSLogix and storage optimization

VMware Horizon – Powershell scripting (Desktop Pools)

Today we’ll be monitoring our desktop pools. In our PRTG monitoring, we’d like to see the status of our desktop pools, the status of the provisioning and of course if there are enough desktops available. Desktop Pools A desktop pool can be enabled or disabled, so we’d like to see that in our PRTG monitoring system. Also provisioning can be enabled or disabled foor a VDI desktop pool, but not… Read More »VMware Horizon – Powershell scripting (Desktop Pools)

Horizon Reach – Insight in you Horizon environment

I’ve been posting about monitoring Horizon with PRTG, but what if you don’t (yet) have PRTG or any other monitoring system? Or you’re in need of a low-cost but efficient insight into your VMware Horizon environment? Well, now you have Horizon Reach. Horizon Reach Horizon Reach is one of the great VMware Flings, tools created by VMware engineers and other contributors, unsupported, but mostly very handy or with great added… Read More »Horizon Reach – Insight in you Horizon environment

VMware Horizon – Powershell scripting (Problem VMs)

In the next post of this series, we’ll have a look at querying the number of Problem vCenter VM’s from VMware Horizon. The number of problem VM’s in Horizon can be seen in the Flash based administrator console in the upper left corner: Problem VMs If you click on the number next to Problem vCenter VMs, you get a list of all the VM’s that are in a non-normal status.… Read More »VMware Horizon – Powershell scripting (Problem VMs)

VMware Horizon – Powershell scripting (Connection servers)

In the previous post “ViewAPI” we installed the necessary modules and learned how to (dis-)connect to our Horizon Connection server. In this part, we’ll get information from that ViewAPI about the connection servers in our environment. Connection server information Let’s start by getting some information about our Connection servers. Therefore we use the property ConnectionServerHealth. We’ll retrieve an array containing all our Connection servers with their basic information like name,… Read More »VMware Horizon – Powershell scripting (Connection servers)

VMware Horizon – Powershell scripting (ViewAPI)

I’ll be starting my new blog with a series of posts about using Powerschell to get information about a VMware Horizon infrastructure. I’m using PRTG as my monitoring system because it has very flexible customized scripting capabilities. This way you can just monitor anything by writing your own scripts (if it’s not already builtin). Requirements First things first. We’ll need to make sure we have installed the VMware.VIMAutomation.Core & VMware.VIMAutomation.HorizonView… Read More »VMware Horizon – Powershell scripting (ViewAPI)